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Himy name is Koon Loong19years old

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

woo.people.has been a while.has been a while.too long.Tests over, holiday started.by the way i am working as a tuition teacher.got a demon in my hand. small, skinny, toothless. like some monsters from some horror movie.but thats just me. you guys might find him cute. Alrighty, random rant this week. i got some mind boggling questions recently. well it involves cupid. First of all, anyone knows what a cupid is? well if ya don't know, i'll tell ya. Cupid, in roman mythology is the god of erotic love and sex. He is equated with the Greek god Eros, and another one of his Latin names Amor (cognate with Kama). In popular culture Cupid is frequently shown shooting his bow to inspire romantic love and sex, often as an icon of Valentine's Day. You must be thinking why i wrote these. well it because i suspect that cupid does exist and i think he is setting up a fast-internet-speed online dating service. i can see it now, a little boy that sat infront of the computer with wings and diaper. clicking names with his mouse.puting two people together who barely knew each other.DUH. i mean what's really worng with teenagers nowadays. off the top of my head.people who barely seen each other, except in cyberspace can become a couple after a month. What happened to love?is this what they're becoming, loveless sex, pimping?OH.and i don'i believe in love at first sight.There's no such thing.That phrase is just something you file under bullcrap. Unless you Cinderella or Snow White which you're not. And i think rush-in-quickly-realtionship-without-thinking love wouldn't last long. Its like performing excorcism without the bible or holy water or...ice-cream without the cone. Love that exist without actually knowing the person well and thorough will just end it quickly.you might assume you know this people but do ya?well you might think i'm conservative but i think you need to know this person long enough to be together. some people said when guys come grab it or he will run away. then if you act now without even building the foundation of love. the guy is gonna leave you eventually because at first he will think,"oh we are so compatible,i love her/him that kinda crap but soon they will start to think that,"urgh,don't think he or she suit me at all, lets break". but if you build the foundation of love, you'll know if he/she's the right one. If he/she can't wait that long, then he/she's not the one. ta too bad for them. their lost our gain. so screw all those susan-bree-edie-gabrielle-lynette-ABC studio-desperate housewives wannabe and don't get all cocky just because you're magneto. at least that guy is a magnet not a boy-magnet. sorry if this post is fill with sarcasm but you know a guys gotta vent. This is again my random rant.bought to you by me.haha.have a nice day

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